Hello everyone. This is Juan Carlos Gastelum. I am a real estate investor in Texas. Today in our book review I’d like to go over Steven Pressfield’s The War of Art where he reveals how being creative is a battle with your own self; a battle with your own resistance. In his book Pressfield goes deep into how you can overcome your fears. One of the best ways to overcome your fears, he says, is to take massive action and be fully involved in the task at hand. How this relates to real estate investing is that many of us when we’re facing a deal that we are thinking of getting into we almost always look at the negatives. So careful analysis, a lot of education into the deal, and time spent analyzing the deal will certainly help you to overcome those fears and to be able to overcome the resistance in one-self to bring out the creative self and find alternatives to be able to close the deals regardless of the many hurdles the market may present. So be sure to read Steven Pressfield’s The War of Art for a perspective on our own resistance and how to overcome it. That’s it for now; take care, best wishes on your real estate journey, and God bless!