Hello everyone. This is Juan Carlos Gastelum. I am a real estate investor in Texas. Today we’re going to continue with our book review series. And in this one, we’re going to discuss Robert Kiyosaki´s Guide to Investing. This is a book which is part of the Robert Kiyosaki Rich Dad series. It’s a great book. This is where Robert Kiyosaki gets in depth into what billionaires do to create wealth, not just financial freedom, but enormous wealth. So one of the essential takeaways from this book is Robert Kiyosaki´s tetrahedron, which is a four sided rhombus shape that illustrates how to take care of all expenses through your businesses, and have those expenses deducted from your income tax while maintaining passive income through real estate, but also diversifying into paper assets such as stocks and bonds. So our tip for today is to grab a copy of Robert Kiyosaki´s Guide to Investing, study it and make the most of the practices that Robert Kiyosaki teaches. That’s it for now. Take care. Best wishes on your real estate journey, and God bless!